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On April 9, 1990, one day after the first round of the presidential elections for the start of a new decade, the most unexpected results were thrown between two political parties that disputed the new horizon of the country. Change 90 led by engineer Alberto Fujimori assumed the option of anti-shock, a term that manifested an emphatic rejection of the economic program of the opposing party, but in itself, this party had no concrete government plan; while Mario Vargas Llosa's FREDEMO proposed an economic adjustment, through a shock that would modernize the country with an orthodox orientation plan. Previous days to the second round, Cambio 90 announced the members of its economic team described by the press as "Los Siete Samuráis", composed of center-left personalities, under the leadership of Santiago Roca to elaborate a heterodox economic program . Likewise, this relationship between the symbolic entity of Samurai and the profession of the economist created by a singular imaginary of the press directed towards a determined [heterodox] economic position implied a metaphor that mediated the preservation of a public identity prior to the insertion of neoliberalism, that would end up making it paradoxical along with the concept of service within state institutions.​

El 9 de Abril de 1990, un día después de la primera vuelta de las elecciones presidenciales para el inicio de una nueva década, se arrojaron los resultados más inesperadosentre dos partidos políticos que disputaban el nuevo horizonte del país. Cambio 90 liderado por el ingeniero Alberto Fujimori asumía la opción de antishock, término que manifestaba un enfático rechazo al programa económico del partido contrario, pero en sí, este partido no tenía ningún plan de gobierno concreto; mientras que el FREDEMO de Mario Vargas Llosa proponía un ajuste económicol, mediante un shock que modernizaría el país con un plan de orientación ortodoxa. Días previos a la segunda vuelta, Cambio 90 dio a conocer a los miembros de su equipo económico calificados por la prensa como “Los Siete Samuráis”, compuesto por personalidades de centro-izquierda, bajo el liderazgo de Santiago Roca para elaborar un programa económico heterodoxo. Asimismo, esta relación entre la entidad simbólica del Samurái con la profesión del economista creada por un imaginario singular de la prensa direccionado hacia una posición económica determinada [heterodoxa] implicaba una metáfora que mediatizaba la preservación de una identidad pública previamente a la inserción del neoliberalismo, que terminaría por volverla paradójica junto con el concepto de servicio al interior de las instituciones estatales.


General Title: 'Seven Samurai [Peru 1990]' / 'Siete Samurais [Perú 1990]'


Tecnique: Installation - Cinematographic intervention, appropriation of photograms, analog representation between the field of economics and the Samurai tradition, projected in the Japanese film 'The 7 Samurai' by Akira Kurosawa, edited by the production company 'Toho'.

Size:  3 Pieces [Diverse Dimensions]

Date: 2017


Piece 1: 'Imaginary Politics of Seppeku' / Diptych

Piece 2: 'A country without Bushido' / Chinese ink on paper

Piece 3: 'Temple Saburau' / Ssculture


The material that has allowed the appropriation and ideological analysis of the film has been the historical circumstances with which its narrative is related to a political event given in the 90's in Peru. It is thus that the extraction of speeches from the film approaches imaginaries of that same decade.

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